
基于SRT算法的单精度浮点除法器 被引量:4

A single-precision-floating divider based on SRT algorithm
摘要 采用VHDL语言,在FPGA上实现了单精度浮点除法器的设计,通过采用SRT算法、SD表示法、常数比较法以及飞速转换法,进一步提高电路的运算速度。使用NC-sim和Maxplus2仿真软件进行前仿真和后仿真,使用Synplify进行逻辑综合,采用EPF10K40RC208-3芯片,对除法器进行了仿真。 Using VHDL,a single-precision-floating divider is designed on a FPGA Chip,The operating speed is much further increased by using four methods-SRT algorithm,SD representation,Contant Comparison and Flying Transition.In the article,the presim and the post-sim based on EPF10K40RC208-3 is conducted by using the simulation software-NC-sim and Maxplus2,and the logic synthesis is conducted by using Synplify software.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2007年第10期56-58,62,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
关键词 除法器 SRT 单精度浮点 数字循环法 仿真 Divider SRT Single Precision Floating Digital Loop Method Simulation
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