马属动物破伤风病1次性用药治疗和护理是将破伤风抗毒素30-35万单位、乌洛托品80-100 ml分别混合到500ml 5%葡萄糖内1次缓慢静注;用药后将患畜用吊马器或绳索,保定在清洁温暖避光安静的厩舍内,使之免受任何不良刺激;畜前摆放水料,精心护理;护理期间用蝉蜕300-400 g分4次煎汤,连饮4 d效果更好。20年的研究结果表明,1次用药采取严格护理治疗的131例全部痊愈。
The once-only-treatment and nursing of equus tetanus could be difined to infuse the equus with 500 ml 5% glucose combined separately with 300,000--350,000 units of tetanus antitoxin and 80--100 ml Urotropine. Then, the sick animal is put into a warm, tranquilized place with a horse-suspending equipment and a rope by being given water and fed in order not to be stimulated by something bad. Water should be put before the sick animal while it is nursed well. Better effect could be ohtained when the animal is given cicada soup 300--400 g cooked from cicada molts 4 times a day for 4 days. The results from the past twenty years reveal that the cured efficacy of 131 examples is 100% with the once-only-treatment and careful nursing.
China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine