
福柯国家辖治理论评析 被引量:2

Foucault's theory of state government
摘要 国家辖治理论是福柯政治哲学的重要内容。福柯通过考察国家从司法、主权到辖治的演变历史,把注意力集中在国家的辖治及其对象"人口"问题上,剥夺了人们通常赋予国家及其权力的那种重要性,提出了受制于社会市场调节的国家辖治的适度性原则,挖掘了国家过度辖治以及当代缺乏政治想象力的哲学根源——哲学国家和国家哲学,从而开启了一种后现代微观政治哲学的向度。 Theory of state government is one of the important contents of Foucault's political philosophy. Considering the evolutional history of the state from the judicial, the sovereign to the governmental, Foucault paid attention to state gow ernment and the population as its object, deprived the importance usually accorded to the state and state powers, proposed a principle of moderate state government that is conditioned by social regulation of market, found out that the state of philosophy and philosophy of the state are the philosophical roots of the state's excessive government and lacking of political imagination in the contemporary era, thus opening a new dimension of postmodern micro-political philosophy. Foucault evidently disagreed with Marx.
作者 莫伟民
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期155-162,共8页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
基金 复旦大学国家哲学社会科学国外马克思主义与国外思潮创新基地项目"当代法国哲学与马克思主义"(05FCZD0010)
关键词 福柯 马克思 国家辖治 政治想象力 哲学国家 国家哲学 Foucault Marx state government political imagination state of philosophy philosophy of state
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  • 2Michel Foucault, ' Naissance de la biopolitique', Dits et ecrits, Ⅲ, 1976-1979, Editions Gallimard,Paris, 1994.
  • 3Michel Foucault, 'La societe disciplinaire en crise', Dits et ecrits, Ⅲ, 1976- 1979, editions Gallimard,Paris, 1994.
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  • 7Michel Foucault, 'Methodologie pour la connaissance dumonde: comment se debarrasser du marxisme' ,Dits et ecrits, Ⅲ, 1976- 1979, editions Gallimard,Paris, 1994.


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