
对代理盲签名体制的攻击与改进 被引量:2

Attack and corresponding improvement to proxy blind signature schemes
摘要 代理盲签名方案在实际应用中存在以下安全问题:首先是在代理签名者和消息拥有者的会话阶段容易受到恶意攻击,攻击者能使代理签名者在毫不知情的情况下对任意消息进行代理盲签名,这损害了原始签名者和代理签名者的利益;其次是代理签名者对签名权的滥用。给出了一种具体的攻击方法,并结合一具体的代理盲签名方案,通过运用授权证书结合身份认证给出了对此类攻击的防范措施,使代理盲签名体制的安全性得到了加强。 There are some problems in security when proxy blind signature schemes are used in practice. Firstly, proxy signature scheme would be attacked maliciously during the phase of communication between the proxy signer and the message owner. Attackers can make the proxy signer sign blindly on any document without any awareness of the proxy signer, which jeopardize the interests of both the proxy signer and the original signer. Secondly, there is the possibility for the proxy signer to abuse the right to sign. A specified way of attacking is given, and the precautions and measures are given by employing letter of authorization and identification attestation combining with a specific blind signature scheme, which reinforce the security of proxy blind signature scheme.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第18期4354-4356,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60373026) 山东省自然科学基金项目(Y2003G02)。
关键词 数字签名 代理签名 盲签名 代理盲签名 攻击者 digital signature proxy signature blind signature proxy blind signature attacker
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