Objective:To examine the personality characteristics of healthy volunteers participated in aNAT2 phenotyping study. Method:119 volunteers and 224 Controls were examined with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ). Results:(1) While significant sex difference in P(Psychoticism) score was found among medical volunteers (P<0.001), no reliable differences were shown between volunteers and controls on any dimension of the personality. (2) as compared to the Chinese age-match norms, there were lower on P and L(Lie) scores in both male and female(P<0.001), higher score on E(Extroversion) in female alone, and no difference on N(neruoticism) in either males or females.Conclusion:Given the results, more attention should be paid to Volunteers personality and the way in which they might alter outcomes of pharmacological research on specific drugs.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology