OBJECTIVE Heymann nephritis is an animal model for the study of human membranous glomerulonephritis.Recent data showed that the disease is initiated by the binding of circulating antibodies to membrane protein,the Heymann nephritis antigen complex (HNAC), which is a heterodimer composed of a large subunit designated as gp330 and a small subunit designated as receptor associated protein (RAP). We perfoumed the present study to investigate if there is a pathogenic determinant on the COOH teminal 108 amino acids polypeptide of RAP. METHODOLOGY Gene reconstruction and nested PCR techniques were used on expression of COOH teminal 108 aminoacids RAP fp. Immunoflurence and immunoelectronic microscopy techniques were used on kidney from rat models indrced by administration of anti RAP fp serum. RESULTS Indirect immunoflurence and immunoelectronic microscopy showed that when rabbit anti RAP fusion protein antibody was injected intravenously into normal rat,typical deposits of PHN were found at 5 days after injection. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that at least one nephrogenic epitope is presented within the COOH teminal 108 amino acids polypeptide of RAP molecules.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation