目的:观察人脐血在不同温区保存时粒-单系造血祖细胞(CFU-GM)的损伤情况及有效地长期深低温保存的可行性。方法:采用传统的室温制备—程序降温—液氮保存方法,观察脐血造血细胞活力及 CFU-GM 产率。结果:在室温存放12 h 不受影响,而-8℃、-20℃温区存放12 h 其活力及产率下降,产率分别比冻存前减少了15.5%和38.1%,-30℃温区继续下降,而-80%温区未再进一步降低。液氮中不同时间-80℃保存不会进一步降低 CFU-GM 产率。结论:-8℃~-30℃之间是冻存损伤造血祖细胞主要的危险区,而液氮中长期深低温保存不会进一步损伤脐血造血祖细胞。故-80℃冻存脐血比较合适。
Objective:To observe the injury of CFU-GM of human-umhilical cord blood when re- served in different temperature zone and the feasibility of effective reservation through long-period frozing. Methods:Dealing with umbilical blood-mading cells through the following traditional method as being made under room teroperature-programme frozing-reserving in liquid nitrogen for observing its activity and production rate of CFU-GM.Results:The result showed normal when the cells were reserved under room- temperature while decreased under-8℃ and-20℃.The production rate decreased respectively by 15.5% and 38.1% under the two temperature zone and the damage continued under-30% but stopped under-80℃.Conclusion:Umbilical bloed-mading ceils are damaged mainly between-8~-30℃ while no more damage under lower temperature in liquid nitrogen for long period,while proves the suitable of-80℃ reservation.
Henan Medical Research