AIM To investigate the orocecal transit time (OCTT) in patients with FD and IBS. METHODS The OCTT of 13 healthy volunteers, 20 patients with FD and 31 patients with IBS (15 with diarrhoea, 16 with constipation) was measured by lactulose hydrogen breath test (LHBT). RESULTS The OCTT of the FD patients was 99.2±24.5 minutes, similar to that in controls (95 4±19 6minutes, P>0 05), but significantly longer in FD patients with gastroenteric motility disorder (129 0±12 0 minutes, P<0 01). In patients with IBS who complained predominantly of constipation it was significantly longer (154 4±55 7 minutes, P<0 01), but significantly shorter in patients with IBS who suffered predominantly from diarrhoea (73 1±22 2 minutes, P<0 05) than that in controls. CONCLUSION FD and IBS patients have motility disorders of small bowel. LHBT can be used as an essential examination.
Gastrointestinal transit Lactulose/diagnostic use Hydrogen/analysis Dyspepsia/physiopathology