HAVING held the post of general manager of the Laohuizhou Tea Com-pany for seven years, Cheng Chunxian is back at school. She is studying a program spon-sored by the AGRIFFCHINA (China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products), the focus of whose courses is on safe, quality tea ex-ports. The reason for Cheng’s renewal of her tea expertise is the sharp dip in her company’s business chart since April 2007, when the European Union in-creased farm chemical residue test items on imported tea to 227.
HAVING held the post of general manager of the Laohuizhou Tea Company for seven years, Cheng Chunxian isback at school. She is studying a program sponsored by the AGRIFFCHINA (China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products), the focus of whose courses is on safe, quality tea exports. The reason for Cheng's renewal of her tea expertise is the sharp dip in her company's business chart since April 2007, when the European Union increased farm chemical residue test items on imported tea to 227.