
小学儿童词汇获得的自组织模型 被引量:5

A self-organizing model of vocabulary acquisition by elementary school children
摘要 本研究利用已有的数据库及相关研究成果,实现了汉字字形和字音的表征,并运用自组织特征映射模型的生理合理性和心理合理性,对小学儿童词汇获得的心理机制进行了模拟。模型成功地模拟出了形声字命名的年级效应、频率效应、规则性效应及其交互作用。模拟结果与儿童行为实验的发现基本一致。这一模拟结果也与数据库的统计分析结果相一致,表明了儿童语言发展规律与输入学习材料的统计属性的一致性。 This study reports a connectionist model of vocabulary acquisition by elementary school children. Our model is based on the self-organizing feature maps which have significant psychological and biological plausibility. The model derives the orthographic and phonological representations of Chinese phonograms on the basis of realistic language corpus from vocabulary learning by elementary school children, and successfully simulates the effects of grade, regularity, frequency, and their interactions. The results from our modeling match up with children's learning patterns found in empirical studies, and are also consistent with statistical analyses of the available language corpora. Our study shows that children's vocabulary acquisition reflects their learning of statistical regularities inherent in the linguistic input.
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期193-207,共15页 Contemporary Linguistics
基金 国家自然科学基金(30470574 60534080) 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(DBA010171)的资助
关键词 联结主义理论 词汇获得 自组织模型 形声字 规则性效应 connectionism, vocabulary acquisition, self-organizing models, phonograms, regularity effects
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