
如何理解中非新型战略伙伴关系 被引量:1

How to Understand the New Sino-African Strategic Partnership
摘要 中非新型战略伙伴关系的定位既是对过去50年中非友好合作的总结和提升,也是对未来中非关系深入发展的规划和设想。近年来,中非合作的战略基础逐步由反帝反殖反霸斗争中的相互支持转向了对和平与发展事业的共同追求,这一历史转型奠定了新时期中非关系深入发展的基础。中非交流的领域与内容迅速得到拓展,日益形成一种多领域、多形式、多层次的全方位合作局面。中国对非外交方式和手段也日趋丰富,多边外交、公众外交等形式迅速发展起来。本文还对如何推动中非新型战略伙伴关系的发展提出了自己的思考。 The identification of the role of New Sino-African Strategic Partnership is the generalization and enhancement of sino-Afriom friendly cooperation in the past fifty years, as well as a blueprint for the future development of Sino-African relationship. In recent years, the strategic foundation of Sino-African cooperation has shifted from the mutual support in the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism to the joint pursuit of peace and development, thus laying a foundation for the in-depth development of Sino-African relationship in the new era. With the broadening fields and contents of Sino-African intercourse, there emerges a comprehensive cooperation in various fields, diversified forms and on different levels. The ways and means of China's foreign policies to Africa have also become richer and more varied. The author also makes some suggestions on how to propel the development of Sino-African Strategic Partnership.
作者 罗建波
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期31-36,共6页 International Forum
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