
一种基于Evalvid的H.264视频QoS评估改进系统 被引量:5

Improvement of QoS Evaluation Framework for H.264 Video Based on Evalvid
摘要 提出了一种基于Evalvid的H.264视频传输服务质量(QoS)评估改进系统,该系统在Ns-2网络仿真器上运行,实现了对丢包率、延时以及延迟抖动等QoS参数的测量,并利用Evalvid工具实现了对接收端视频PSNR值的计算。系统采用了基于帧类型的区分优先级的传输策略,实验结果表明,它能使传输后的视频PSNR值得到明显提高。 The improvement of QoS evaluation framework for H.264 video based on Evalvid is introduced. The system is run on Ns-2 simulator to measure QoS parameters, like loss rate, delay, jitter etc.. By using Evalvid tool, the PSNR of received video is calculated. And the system adopts a Diffserv transmission strategy based on frame type. Experimental results show that this strategy can achieve higher PSNR.
作者 江雍 林其伟
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2007年第10期59-61,共3页 Video Engineering
基金 国务院侨办科研基金(No:06QZR03)
关键词 Evalvid系统 H.264标准 服务质量 网络模拟软件 视频传输 Evalvid H.264 QoS Ns-2 video transmission
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