
强磁场实验装置中脉冲磁体电阻变化模型 被引量:3

Modeling the Resistance of Pulsed Magnet in the High Field Facility
摘要 因脉冲磁体的电阻受电流、电阻率、比热容等多因素影响呈非线性变化,为在磁体电源设计、磁场波形调节和磁体设计时,准确模拟脉冲磁体的电阻变化,依据迭代计算的数学思想,以Pspice电路仿真软件为平台,建立了脉冲磁体的电阻电路模型。磁体的电压、电流和温度变化等模拟结果与实验结果吻合的很好,证明所建立的脉冲磁体中电阻模型的正确性。该模型可作为在脉冲磁体电源设计、磁场波形调节和磁体设计时研究脉冲磁体电阻变化时的工具。此电路模型还可应用于研究类似的电阻非线性变化情况。 It is essential to simulate the resistance variation of the pulsed magnet for the power supply design, magnetic field waveform regulation and the magnet design. The resistance variation of the pulsed magnet is complicated. The resistance is affected by three factors: the current, the resistivity and the specific heat. The resistance variation can be described as following: the temperature of the magnet increases when a high current flows through the magnet, the increase of temperature results in the increase of the resistance and specific heat of the magnet. The increase in resistance of the magnet affects the temperature increase generated by the joule heat, and the increase of specific heat of the magnet decreases the temperature of the magnet. So the resistance variation is a complicated course. This paper proposes a resistance circuit model of the pulsed magnet with the concept of iterative algorithm in Pspice simulation software. The simulation results of the current, the voltage and temperature of the pulsed magnet agree with the experimental results, showing that the circuit model of the resistance of the pulsed magnet is available. This resistance circuit model of the pulsed magnet provides a good tool for designing the power supply of the magnetic field, regulating the pulsed magnetic field waveform and designing the magnet. And this resistance circuit model also can be applied to study the other issue that the resistance is nonlinearly varied with Joule heat.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期46-49,共4页 High Voltage Engineering
关键词 强磁场 脉冲磁体 非线性电阻 电路模型 绝热过程 PSPICE仿真 high field pulse magnet nonlinear resistance circuit model heat insulation Pspice simulation
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