
福建水稻栽培技术的研究与进展 被引量:2

Research and progress on rice cultivation techniques in Fujian
摘要 水稻高产栽培技术的发展过程,都是围绕当前、当地影响产量的关键技术问题,针对水稻生长发育过程中稻株与环境条件,水稻的群体和个体及个体内部各器官间的3对矛盾,重点协调好个体内部穗数与穗重的矛盾开展多层次、多内容的技术改革,促使水稻生长发育过程达到苗壮、株健、穗齐、粒多、粒饱,实现高产、高效、优质、低耗的目的.其发展过程可分为5个阶段:1)改革稻田耕作制度,扩大双季稻,应用传统技术经验;2)推广矮秆品种及相应的高产栽培措施;3)推广杂交水稻及稀播、少本插等配套栽培技术;4)总结推广高产栽培模式及中低产田配套增产技术;5)开展吨粮田工程的农业技术及杂交水稻规范化栽培.研究立足水稻高产,关键技术主要是调节水稻与环境相适应,以实现高产.而高产必须正确处理产量因素关系,群体个体关系,生理生态关系以及技术措施的关系.促进水稻生产,改革技术主要抓3条措施:1)改革育秧技术,提高秧苗素质;2)推广合理密植,协调苗、株、穗粒;3)改进施肥方法。 The development of rice high yield cultivation techniques is centred on the major technical problems which effect the high yield at present and local area, and is aimed at the 3 contradictions in the life cycle of rice crop: rice and its environmental conditions, population and individuals, organs within the individual. The emphasis is the cordination of the contradiction of spike number and weight and developing the technical reform with multiple layers and contents, and impelling the rice growth and development to strong seedlings, healthy plants, neat spikes, more and full seeds to attain high yield and efficiency, excellent quality and low cost. The developing process could be divided into five stages: 1) reform planting system in rice field, expand the double cropping rice area, adopt the traditional techniques and experience; 2) extend the short stem varieties and their high yield culture measures; 3) popularize the hybrid rice and its assorted cultivation techniques of thin sowing and smaller seedling transplant; 4) summarize and popularize high yield cultivation models and their assorted techniques for increasing yield in lower and middle yielding field; 5) develop the agricultural techniques of 15 t/ha, rice yield engineering and the standard culture for hybrid rice. Research will pay more attention to rice high yield and the key techniques to adjust the rice cropping adaptable to the environmental conditions. The following relationships must be treated correctly in rice production: yield factors, population and individuals, physiology and ecology, technical measures.To improve rice production and reform the techniques the following three measures must be stressed: 1) reform seedling raise technique to improve seedling quality; 2) extend proper close transplanting to accord with the relations among seedlings, plants, spikes and grains; 3) improve the methods of applying fertilizers and pay more attention to irrigation techniques.
出处 《福建农业大学学报》 CSCD 1997年第2期153-159,共7页 Journal of Fujian Agricultural University
关键词 水稻 栽培 福建 rice cultivation techniques
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