
我国对外开放机场的动态生产效率研究 被引量:22

Efficiency Evaluation of International Airports in China
摘要 本文利用数据包络分析法和Malmquist生产率指数对我国对外开放机场2001—2005年的生产效率及其变动情况进行总体评价,并利用Tobit回归模型对影响机场生产无效率的因素予以识别。研究发现:我国对外开放机场总体上生产效率较低,纯技术无效率是其主要成因;东部地区对外开放机场生产效率最高,依次为中部、西部和东北地区;枢纽机场生产效率明显高于非枢纽机场;机场全要素生产率总体上呈现逐年改善的趋势,主要源于综合技术效率变动和技术进步的双重作用;跑道长度、候机楼面积、每架次飞机完成的货邮吞吐量、区域经济发达程度、枢纽机场地位以及位于省会及计划单列市均是影响机场生产无效率的重要因素。 This paper evaluates the efficiency of international airports in China by the DEA approach and Malmquist productivity index on the whole, and then analyzes the factors influencing the airport inefficiency with Tobit regression model. The study finds: (1)the international airports in China is still at a relative low level of overall technical efficiency, and pure technical inefficiency is the main cause of the airport inefficiency; (2)the international airports development of every region in China is not in balance; (3)the efficiency difference between the hub and non-hub airports is obvious; (4)the Malmquist productivity index analysis indicates the total factor productivity of international airports in China gets better year by year, and the improvement of total factor productivity is rooted'from both the progressive technology and overall technical efficiency improvement;(5)the length of path, area of terminal, mail and cargo every aircraft movement, the regional economic development, the status of hub airport or non-hub airport, and whether locating at provincial capitals and separate planning cities are the important factors influencing the airport inefficiency.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期29-36,共8页 China Industrial Economics
基金 南开大学"985工程"区域经济国家哲学社会科学创新基地项目
关键词 机场生产效率 综合技术效率 纯技术效率 规模效率 数据包络分析法 airport efficiency overall technical efficiency pure technical efficiency scale efficiency DEA
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