
关于全民炒股和股市泡沫的经济分析 被引量:2

On China Stock Mania and Stock Bubbles
摘要 近来媒体关于全民炒股特别是上班族炒股升温的报道,敲响了股市泡沫崩溃的警钟,而推动股市泡沫走向崩溃的,则是全民炒股热和上班族炒股风。中国股票市场的两大缺陷是中国股市动辄形成严重泡沫的重要原因,要彻底消除股市泡沫,必须改变股票供给严重不足和股票需求异常增大的局面,并严肃八小时工作纪律,杜绝全民炒股特别是上班炒股风。在股市钱空的程度日趋严重的形势下,对股市泡沫崩溃及其严重影响必须有清醒的认识,做好充分的准备。 Medias report so much about China stock mania , especially people at work engaging in , which alerts us the collapse of stock market. And both of them move stock bubble towards the final collapse. There are two disadvantages which lead China stock market to economic bubble. To eliminate the bubbles, we must improve supplies of stock , put strict disciplines on eight - hour work, and make an end to China stock mania. With this serious situation on stock /narket, people should keep a clear mind and be well prepared about the collapse of stock bubbles.
作者 刘昌黎
出处 《财经问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期44-48,共5页 Research On Financial and Economic Issues
关键词 全民炒股 股市泡沫 崩渍 China Stock Mania the stock market's bubble collapse
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  • 1新商报2007年4月22日第16版.
  • 2新文化报·新文化网,2007年4月23日.


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