
从他性镜像阅读到自主性理论空间的转换——列宁“伯尔尼笔记”研究 被引量:2

From Mirror-image Reading in Otherness to Transformation of Autonomous Theoretical Space——Studies of Lenin's Bern Notes
摘要 This paper holds an idea that the development of Lenin’s philosophical thinking is a cognitive process, including certain non-continuity. Especially, in his famous Bern Notes about Hegel’s philosophy, there exists a transformative process from the thinking space of mirror image in otherness to autonomous thinking constitution. In Berne Notes, the thinking logic of Lenin’s reading in his earlier stage is an identity of otherness. But soon this false identity dissolved in his further reading and investigation. Lenin’s own thinking logic appears contradictions and even logical division ceaselessly. It has a direct consequence, that is, Lenin deeply understands some important ideas and basic thinking logics of Marx through his study of Hegel and acquires a significant cognitive leap in his own independent thinking. This paper holds an idea that the development of Lenin's philosophical thinking is a cognitive process, including certain non-continuity. Especially, in his famous Bern Notes about Hegel's philosophy, there exists a transformative process from the thinking space of mirror image in otherness to autonomous thinking constitution. In Berne Notes, the thinking logic of Lenin's reading in his earlier stage is an identity of otherness. But soon this false identity dissolved in his further reading and investigation. Lenin's own thinking logic appears contradictions and even logical division ceaselessly. It has a direct consequence, that is, Lenin deeply understands some important ideas and basic thinking logics of Marx through his study of Hegel and acquires a significant cognitive leap in his own independent thinking.
作者 张一兵
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期16-23,共8页 Philosophical Research
基金 教育部重点科学研究基地重大课题"列宁的社会理论与当代社会主义实践"(编号05JJD710128)的阶段性成果。
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