
Counterexamples Concerning Quasiconformal Extensions of Strongly Starlike Functions

Counterexamples Concerning Quasiconformal Extensions of Strongly Starlike Functions
摘要 M. Fait, J. Krzyz and J. Zygmunt proved that a strongly starlike function of order α on the unit disk can be extended to a k-quasiconformal mapping with k ≤ sin(απ/2) on the whole complex plane C which fixes the point at infinity. An open question is whether such a function can be extended to a k-quasiconformal mapping with k 〈α to the whole plane C. In this paper we will give a negative approach to the question. M. Fait, J. Krzyz and J. Zygmunt proved that a strongly starlike function of order α on the unit disk can be extended to a k-quasiconformal mapping with k ≤ sin(απ/2) on the whole complex plane C which fixes the point at infinity. An open question is whether such a function can be extended to a k-quasiconformal mapping with k 〈α to the whole plane C. In this paper we will give a negative approach to the question.
作者 Yu Liang SHEN
出处 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第10期1859-1868,共10页 数学学报(英文版)
基金 This research was supported by NNSF of China(Grant No.10231040) NCET(06-0504)
关键词 strongly starlike function quasiconformal extension Schwarzian derivative Teichmiiller mapping strongly starlike function, quasiconformal extension, Schwarzian derivative, Teichmiiller mapping
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