本试验采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,测定与分析槟榔不同器官、不同品种酯酶同工酶酶谱、酶量、酶带活性和分布状况,结果表明:经PGR-1处理后.槟榔酯酶同工酶带数目、着色程度、酶带活性都比对照的显著增多、加深、提高。 通过检测.清楚地看到槟榔酶带总共有17条,分为三大酶区,Ⅰ区带有酶谱6条,Ⅱ区带有酶谱7条.Ⅲ区带有酶谱4条。各酶区出现新酶带比对照的增多11条,带幅从狭变宽,带色由浅变深,带位迁移从慢变快,酶带活性由弱变强,这是与用药浓度有相关联的。
The zymicgram, activity and situation of diply of esterase isoenzyme in different varieties and different organs of Areca catechu were analyzed using technique of polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis. The results showed that after dealed with PGR-1, the numbers, the activity and the chroma of zymic bands were more than the controlled.It is clear that the numbers of esterase isozyme in Areca catechu was 17. It can be divide into three zone, the first zone has 6, the second zone has 7, and the third has 4. The new zymic bands in different zymic zone is by 11 bands than the controlled. The changing feature of zymic bands is that the width of zymic bands is from narrow to wide, the rate of flow ( R. F ) is from slow to fast, and the chroma is from weak to dark:Therefore, the changing of esterase isoenzyme was related to PGR-1 solution.