
黄河入海口壬基酚污染分布特征 被引量:12

Distribution Characteristics of Nonylphenol Pollutant in the Yellow River Mouth Area
摘要 黄河口表、底层水体和沉积物中壬基酚的浓度分布特征研究结果表明,表层水体中壬基酚浓度为15.7~148.6ng/L,平均值为47.5ng/L;底层水体中壬基酚浓度为15.8~52.7ng/L,平均值为31.0ng/L;表层沉积物中壬基酚浓度为2.3l~5.47ng/g,平均浓度为3.87ng/g.黄河口水体中壬基酚浓度呈现由河道向出海口外逐渐降低的趋势;河道中表层沉积物壬基酚含量高于出海口外.黄河口水体中壬基酚浓度低于文献中报道的海河口水体中的浓度,表层沉积物中壬基酚含量低于珠江口文献报道值.水体中壬基酚浓度超过押制藤壶附着浓度(10ng/L),河道最上游的站点水体中的浓度超过影响太平洋牡蛎幼苗的发育并增加幼苗死亡率的浓度(100ng/L). The distribution characteristics of nonylphenol concentrations in the surface water, bottom water and surficial sediments from the Yellow River estuary were studied, and it is shown from the study results that the nonylphenol concentrations in above three substances are in the ranges of 15.7 to 148. 6 ng/L, 15.8 to 52.7 ng/L and 2.31 to 5. 47 ng/g, respectively. The nonylphenol concentrations in the Yellow River mouth waters show a decreasing trend from river course to river mouth, and the nonylphenol contents in the river course surficial sediments are higher than those in the surficial sediments outside the river mouth. The nonylphenol concentrations in the Yellow River mouth waters are lower than those in the Haihe River mouth waters, and the nonylphenol contents in the Yellow River mouth surficial sediments are lower than those in the Pearl River mouth surficial sediments. The nonylphenol concentrations in the river mouth waters have exceeded the concentration(10 ng/L) to inhibit some crustacean from attaching, and the nonylphenol concentration in the river upstream waters has exceeded the concentration(100 ng/L) to inhibit scallop larvae from developing and increase the scallop larva mortality.
出处 《海岸工程》 2007年第3期17-22,共6页 Coastal Engineering
基金 国家海洋局资助项目--"黄河口海岸线确定方法研究"和"黄河口海域污染物排海总量控制评价"
关键词 壬基酚 内分泌干扰物 分布特征 nonylphenol endocrine interference substance distribution characteristics
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