设计一种通用电源管理芯片,同时支持Sepic或Boost转换器,采用0.6?m BiCMOS工艺实现。开关频率为500KHZ,具有较宽的输入电压范围(1.8V^5.5V)和高转换效率。提出设计过程中会遇到的问题,并给出解决方案。仿真及实验测试结果充分验证芯片的各项性能。
A general power supply management chip for sepic/boost converter is designed by the 0.6μm BiCMOS process. The chip has a fixed frequency of 500 KHz, wide input voltage range (from 1.8V to 5.5V) and high efficiency. The problems which will be appeared in the design are proposed and solved. Experimental results absolutely validate good performance of the chip.
Computer & Digital Engineering