
宣肺通腑活血法治疗温病卫气分发热的研究 被引量:8

Studyon Feverin Weifen and Qifen Phases Treated withReleasing Lung-energy,Purging Bowel and Promoting Blood Circulation
摘要 研究认为温病卫气分发热的主要病机是阳热郁结,邪无出路,血瘀是致热的重要因素。提出宣肺通腑活血的治疗方法,探讨了活血化瘀法应用于温病卫气分发热的可行性,选用宣白承气汤加赤芍、丹皮为主方作实验组,设立宣白承气汤为主方作对照组,共治疗卫气分发热患者86例,结果实验组体温完全降至正常时间30.3±3.5h,对照组为31.9±3.9h,经统计学处理差异显著。动物实验表明卫分证两组无显著差异,气分证实验组疗效明显优于对照组,多数指标具有统计学意义,提示病在气分早用活血化瘀法具有重要的意义。 The author suggests that the basic pathogenesis of fever in weifen and qifen phases of febrile diseases lies in the accumulation of Yang-heat failing to go out. Blood sta- sis is an important factor in fever. Treating fever with releasing Lung-energy , purging bowel and promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis. A clinical observation with xuan bai cheng qi Tang adding red peny root and moutan bark as the experimental group and xuan bai cheng qi Tang as the control troup for86 Cases of fever in weifen and qifen phases were treated , The Longest time of fever abatement is 301 3± 3. 5h in the experimental group and 31. 9± 3. 9h in the control group. Statistics shows that there is a significant difference be- tween the two groups(p< 0. O5 ) . An experimental study on the effect of this therapeutic method in animal's. fever that was identified as.a.sign of weifen and qifen phases by vaccinat- ing rabbits with diplcoccus pneumonia shows that there is no significant difference between two groups of weifen phase but there is an obviously signficant difference between two groups of qifen phase. Therefore it is much significance in qifen phase to use the therapeutic method of promoing blood circulation by removing blood stasis early.
作者 李勇
机构地区 山东中医药大学
出处 《山东中医药大学学报》 1997年第2期115-119,共5页 Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 温病 发热 宣肺通腑活血法 卫气 Science of febrile disease. Fever Releasting Lung - energy purging boweland promoting blood circulation Clinnical observation Animal experimental study
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