
生物质热化学转化制液体燃料的研究进展 被引量:23

Research Progress on Thermo-chemical Conversion to Prepare Liquid Fuels from Biomass in China
摘要 生物质是唯一可转化成可替代常规液态石油燃料和其它化学品的可再生碳资源。热化学高效转化利用技术是生物质能源开发利用的最主要途径。本文综述了国内外生物质热化学转化制备液体燃料技术的主要研究途径、产业化进程的现状,论述了生物质液体燃料的产业化发展的可能性和存在的问题。对中国生物质热化学转化的发展趋势提出了研究开发利用的发展前景和建议。 Biomass is an important renewable carbon resource that only can be conversed into liquid fuels to substitute for normal fuels and other chemicals made from fossil energy. The technology to converse solid biomass energy into bio-oil by thermochemical is the important way. The main ways of research and industrialization to prepare bio-oil from biomass by thermochemical in domestic and abroad are reviewed. The possibility to develop biomass liquid fuels and the problems exist in China is also discussed. According to the situation of biomass energy in China, the developing trend and some proposals on thermochemical utilization of biomass energy in future are presented.
作者 蒋剑春
出处 《生物质化学工程》 CAS 2007年第5期45-51,共7页 Biomass Chemical Engineering
关键词 生物质能源 生物油 热化学转化 热解 biomass energy bio-oil thermo-chemical conversion pyrolysis
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