
活动成本目标MMRCPSP的活动-模式两步调度策略 被引量:1

Two-step activity-mode scheduling schema on MMRCPSP with the objective of minimizing activities’ cost
摘要 基于活动成本目标多模式资源受限工程调度的并行调度方案,提出一种活动-模式两步调度策略,给出了活动优先规则和模式优先规则.该策略首先按活动优先规则进行可行活动的选择,然后按模式优先规则选择活动的可行模式.基于改造PSPLIB的算例测试得出,活动-模式两步调度策略的结果比活动-模式联合调度策略好,且在模式优先规则中考虑折衷的先序相关成本因素时取得的效果相对较好. Based on parallel scheduling schema for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem(MMRCPSP) with the objective of minimizing activities’ cost, a two-step activity-mode scheduling schema is proposed. Some prior rules for selecting activity and mode are discussed respectively. In this schema, a feasible activity is selected firstly according to prior rule for activity, and a feasible mode is selected for the selected activity according to mode prior rule. Numerical study on updated PSPLIB shows that two-step activity-mode scheduling schema are superior to union actity-mode scheduling schema, and the effect is better when the eclectic relative cost is considered as the mode prior rule.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期1160-1164,共5页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70171015) 教育部高等学校优秀青年教师教学和科研奖励基金项目
关键词 多模式资源受限工程调度 活动成本 并行调度方案 活动-模式调度 优先规则 Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling Activities’ cost Parallel scheduling schema Activity-mode scheduling Prior rule
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