
Knowledge Map编码与定位算法

Coding and Location Algorithm of Knowledge Map
摘要 该文提出用Hash来对KM(Knowledge Map)中的领域方向进行编码,形成领域方向Island.提出KM概念向量与概念间关系类型的编码方法.基于上述编码,利用Chord对海量Island进行快速定位;并在Island的控制下,提出C-Location与R-Location对相同领域方向的KM进行快速定位.Island可使具有相同领域方向的KM自动聚集在一起.实例计算说明该方法可对KM进行有效的编码与精确的定位,并具有较强的灵活性. Hash based method to code the domain direction of knowledge map (KM) is proposed in order to form a domain direction island. The coding methods with KM concept vector and relation types between concepts are proposed. Base on the coding method, chord in peer to peer is used to perform a fast location of the vast number islands. C-location and R-location are proposed to carry on a fast location of KM within domain direction under the control of island. The island can cluster KM with the same domain direction automatically. Computations of instances show that the proposed method can perform valid coding and precise location of KM and have better flexibility.
出处 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期605-610,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(6040201690612010) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2003CB317008)
关键词 文本主题定位 知识图 语义链网络 知识流 知识网格 text topic location knowledge map semantic link network knowledge flow knowledge grid
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