Shock wave is the chief factor that causes the damage of the structure. Two methods can be used to analyze the anti-blast performanee of the strueture.the first is direet infliet shoek wave pressure on the strueture;the seeond is through building the grids of detonator to obtain the shoek wave, then eoupling shoek wave load in the format of node veloeity or aeeeleration on the node to proeess numeration. The first method is based on many assumptions, whieh are not authentie. However, many problems often emerge in blast simulation by using the latter. The root eause is that the size of the detonator grid is very small,and eonsidering the harmony of detonator and air or strueture grid eell will lead many eells, then workload beeomes very big. In addition, the peak value and aetion time of shoek wave pressure can only be adjusted in limited bound. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, a new method was presented, whieh ereates shoek wave on the foundation of initialized pressure diseontinuity, and analyzes the faetors whieh ean influenee the. peak value pressure and aetion time of the shove wave.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
initialized pressure discontinuity
shock wave
peak value pressure