
番茄对番茄晚疫病抗性遗传分析 被引量:8

Genetic analysis of tomato resistance to tomato late blight disease
摘要 试验利用04957(感),04968(感),L3708(抗)和Wva700(抗)4个抗感不同的番茄品种,按Griffing(Ⅰ)完全双列杂交方法配置组合,接种番茄晚疫病,调查发病情况进行分析。结果发现:①不同品种、不同组合间抗病性存在极显著差异;②供试品种间一般配合力和特殊配合力存在极显著差异,Wva700,L3708具有较高的一般配合力效应,二者在配制抗性组合时是较为优良的杂交亲本。Wva700×04957,Wva700×04968组合特殊配合力最高,有进一步研究利用的价值;③抗性遗传中加性效应是主要的,同时存在部分显性,存在细胞质效应;④广义遗传力为90.64%,狭义遗传力为81.48%,均较高,说明亲代对后代的影响作用较大,抗性基因可以通过基因累加的方式在后代中表现出来,宜早代选择。 Four tomato varieties 04957 (S), 04968 (S), L3708 (R) and Wva700 (R) were selected to study the genetic mechanism. According to complete dialle mating design, inoculated late blight disease races Tl, counted the necrotic symptom data and analyzed by Griffing ( I ) respectively to study the combining ability and genetic parameter. The results showed: (1)The phenotypic resistance had significant differences among different varieties and crosses; (2)The differences of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combing ability (SCA) among varieties were obviously significant. Wva700 and L3708 which showed excellent GCA were high value parent for late blight resistant. CrossesWva700 ×04957 and Wva700 ×04968 had the highest SCA, and had potential value for utilization study; (3)In the tomato late blight disease-resistant genotype, additive effect was the main effect, part of dominance effect was also existed. Effect of reciprocal cross was obvious, resistance was dominat.ed by nuclear gene and cytoplasm gene; (4)Heritability in the broad (90.64%) and narrow (81.48%) sense were all higher, showing parents had a great influence on progenies. Resistant genes could be expressed in the offspring through gene accumulation, early generation selection was suitable.
出处 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第5期602-605,共4页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2006AA10Z1B9)
关键词 番茄 双列杂交 番茄晚疫病 配合力 抗性遗传分析 tomato dialle mating design late blight disease combining ability resistant analysis
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