
资产前沿技术与技术效率——(k,y)空间的技术分解 被引量:2

Asset Frontier Technology and Technical Efficiency——Decomposing Technology in(k,y) Space
摘要 现有生产率分析方法主要是对全要素生产率的估计与分解,这些方法不能解释体现在资本中的硬技术与未体现在资本中的管理技术对生产率的影响。劳动生产率是生产率分析的中心指标,亦是囊括资产技术与管理技术的总科技进步程度的度量指标。为了实现生产率在资产技术与管理技术之间的分解,(K,L,Y)空间的生产可能集被映射到(k,y)空间,在得到(k,y)空间生产可能集的基础上,决策单元的劳动生产率分解为其资产运营前沿技术与其技术效率之积,前者是决策单元的资产k在生产可能集中能达到的最大生产率,是资产k相应的资产物理技术的最佳近似值;后者正是传统(K,L,Y)空间的C2R技术效率,包含纯技术效率(资产运营管理效率)和规模效率。 The main productivity analysis method is based on estimating and decomposing total factor productivity, which can't account for the effect of investment-specific technology and management technology on productivity. Labor productivity, the central index in productivity analysis, is an index measuring total technology which involve both investment-specific and management technology. In order to decompose productivity with asset technology and management technology, production technology in (K,L,Y) space is projected into (k,y) space, here labor productivity of a decision making unite (DMU) is decomposed into the product of it's asset frontier technology and it's technical efficiency. The former is the maximal achievable level of productivity using asset with capital-labor ratio k in given production technology, it is the best estimation of technology embodied in corresponding asset; while the latter is the conventional CER technical efficiency in (K,L,Y) space, it involve pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency.
作者 康梅
出处 《系统管理学报》 北大核心 2007年第2期212-216,224,共6页 Journal of Systems & Management
关键词 数据包络分析 生产可能集 技术效率 资产前沿技术 data envelopment analysis production technology technical efficiency asset frontier technology
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