Karyotype of 3 species of the genus Orius Wolff were firstly studied using the Giemsa staining and squashing slides method in male germ cell. It is reported that number of chromosome and system of sex chromosome of haploid chromosome complement of these species is n=11A+X (Y) in the first meiotic stage. However, the behavior of chromosomes among the species are different distinctly, thus cytotaxonomic character can be adopted to the identification among the three species.
本文利用姬姆萨染色压片法对花蝽科小花蝽属3个种:荷氏小花蝽Orius horvathi(Reuter),微小花蝽Oriusminutus Linnaeus和东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri(Poppius)的核型做了研究,结果表明3种小花蝽单倍体均具有12条染色体,X-Y性别决定机制,但3种核型行为具特定的差异,其核型特征可用于种间分类。
The work was supported by Zhejiang Forestry College Science Foundation