
端面抽运固体激光器中晶体的热形变 被引量:2

Thermal Deformation in Crystal of End-Pumped Solid-State Lasers
摘要 提出了一种易于实现、高空间精度、实时测量激光端面抽运固体激光器端面热形变的干涉测量方法。在一块热效应非常小的光学玻璃与晶体的抽运面之间形成空气劈尖,利用参考光扫描晶体端面准确地测出了激光二极管(LD)端面抽运固体激光器中晶体的端面热形变。抽运功率为12 W,抽运半径为0.5μm,抽运光束位于晶体端面中心时,晶体的伸长形变为0.645μm,鼓出形变量为0.259μm,总形变量为0.904μm。鼓出形变小于伸长形变,且表面凸起形变总是叠加在轴向伸长形变之上。研究表明表面凸起形变部分较为平坦且占据端面中心大部分区域,并发现热沉的侧面导热情况决定了晶体的伸长形变量。 An interference method is proposed to measure the thermal deformation of solid state laser's end surface easily and in real time with high spatial precision. A piece of optical glass with small thermal effect is placed near the pumped end surface, and an air split is formed. By scanning the crystal end surface with the reference light, the thermal deformation of the end surface of the crystal in the laser diode end-pumped solid state laser is measured. When the laser is focused on the center of the crystal end surface with pump power of 12 W and beam radius of 0.5 μm, the crystal's extended deformation is 0. 645 μm, the raised deformation is 0. 259μm and the whole deformation is 0. 904 μm. The raised deformation is less than the extended deformation and the raised deformation is overlapped above the extended deformation. The raised deformation on the end surface is flat and occupies a great part of the surface center, and the crystal's extended deformation is determined by the side thermal conduct of heat sink.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期1323-1328,共6页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 西安建筑科技大学人才基金(RC0714) 基础基金(JC0717)资助项目
关键词 激光器 端面抽运 热形变 抽运光分布 lasers end pumped thermal deformation distribution of pump light
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