Third Sector has developed all over the world since 1970s, Nowadays, Third Sector is prosperous and becomes internationalized, This article starts with defining ' Third Sector' and the first part analyzes the sit- uation about Third Sector in the developed countries and in our countries. The second part discusses some theo- ries about differences between public law and private law. The third part analyzes some theories that Third Sector's Law has been challenging with the theory about public law and private law. The forth part shows theproblems about Third Sector's Law, such as legislative level is low, the requirement is hard to satisfy, the regu- lations are absent, the legal techniques have problems, and so on. At last, some suggestions are given to develop the Third Sector's Law, such as making the Civil Organization Law, reforming the system on governmental management, reforming the interior management of Third Sector , encouraging the support of government to Third Sector, taking on the Social Responsibility, and so on.
Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Social Sciences)
Third Sector
Third Sector's Law
public law
private law