
透视导航下微创手术治疗骨盆前环骨折 被引量:8

Minimally invasive surgery under fluoro-navigation for fractures of anterior pelvic ring
摘要 目的探讨导航技术在手术治疗骨盆前环骨折中的初步临床应用结果。方法2005年1-10月,采用C型臂透视导航设备行导航下骨盆前环骨折内固定术18例,包括27处骨折。对导航下行骨盆前环骨折手术患者的相关资料进行统计。结果术中共置人27枚空心钉,其中每枚空心钉的平均置人时间为23.1min,X线透视时间平均为18.9s。将导航下图像与真实C型臂机摄片进行对照,放置空心钉后验证位置平均偏差距离为(3.38±1.04)mm,平均偏差角度为2.86。±1.78。。术中出血量极少(〈22.1mL/枚),术中1枚(3.7%)螺钉出现偏移。术后无感染及内固定失败等并发症发生。术后平均随访时间为16.6个月(12—18个月)。术后1年对所有患者进行短期骨骼肌肉功能调查问卷:功能评分平均为64.26分,烦恼指数评分平均为65.83分。结论使用透视导航技术手术治疗骨盆前环骨折,手术更精确、安全,可以减少手术时间和X线暴露时间;但若要在创伤骨科手术中更好地应用透视导航技术,则需制定标准化操作程序,完善术前培训。 Objective To investigate the clinical results of fluoro-navigated surgery for anterior pelvic ring fractures. Methods From January to October in 2005, a fluoro-navigation system was used to guide the placement of the screws for the fixation of anterior pelvic ring fractures. There were totally 18 patients, 11 males and 7 females. Totally 27 screws were inserted, involving pubic rami and anterior acetabular columns. Results The average time for operation was 23.1 minutes/per screw, and the average time of X-ray exposure was 18.9 seconds/per screw. The images of fluoro-navigation were compared with the real X-rays during and after surgery. The mean deviated distance was 3.38 ± 1.04 mm and the mean deviated angle was 2. 86± 1.78 degrees in the postoperative verification. The blood loss during the operation was minimal( 〈 22. 1 mL/per screw). One (3.7%) screw deviated out of the fracture during the operation. No complication was recorded after surgery. Conclusions Fluoro-navigation makes the surgery for the anterior pelvic ring fractures more precise, safe and time-saving, and reduces X-ray exposure at the same time. Standardization of operative procedures and preoperative training are mandatory for success.
出处 《中华创伤骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第10期907-911,共5页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
关键词 骨盆 骨折 外科手术 计算机辅助 微创 Pelvis Fractures Surgery, computer-assisted Minimally invasive
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