
失算症的评定和康复 被引量:4

Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Acalculia(review)
摘要 尽管计算能力被认为是认知能力的一个重要成分,综合的认知评定应该包括计算能力的评定,但是对失算症的研究和评定一直未得到足够的重视。笔者介绍失算症的定义、分类、主要的神经心理学理论模型与大脑机制,重点阐述失算症的临床表现、标准化评定工具以及相关的研究,初步探讨失算症的康复训练。 Despite the general agreement that calculation ability is an important component of cognition, and a comprehensive cognitive evaluation should include testing for calculation ability, there is a significant paucity in study and evaluation of acalculia. In this paper the concepts and classification of acalculia are proposed; main neuropsychological theoretical models and cerebral mechanisms are presented; clinical appearances, standard testing instruments and related study of acalculia are intensively reviewed; finally, rehabilitation training of acalculia is initially discussed.
作者 逄辉 恽晓平
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2007年第10期911-912,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
基金 首都医学发展科研基金重点支持项目(No.2002-2024)
关键词 失算症 评定 分类 标准化测验 康复训练 综述 acalculia evaluation classification standard tests rehabilitation training review
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