对磐安县1973年~1985年的蛇伤流行病学进行了回顾性调查.普查了全县2个国营林场、1个农场、356个行政村屯.13年累计人口2 412 884人,其中蛇伤数为735人次(男546人次,女189人次),死亡10人.年平均发病数56.54人,发病率为29.7/万,年均病死0.77人,病死率为1.77%,死亡率为0.O37/万.各种致伤蛇种数高低依次是蝮蛇、竹叶青蛇、五步蛇、眼镜蛇、银环蛇、烙铁头蛇等.各种致死蛇种数的高低依次是五步蛇、银环蛇、蝮蛇.
This report is about the epidemiology of snakebite which happened in Panan County 1973 to 1985.We have researched 3 districts, 26 towns, 2 state forest farms, one farm and 356 villages. About 2 412 884 persons were investigated during 13 years of all the population, 735 persons were bited by snakes (men 546, women 189) , 10 were dead. The average number of disease was 56. 54 in one year and the incidence was 0. 297%. The death number in average in one year was 0. 77 and the death rate of the patient was 1. 77% , the death rate of the population was 0.00037%. The most snake bibe was caught by Agkistrodon halys, Trimeresurus albolabris Gray. Agkistrodon acutus,Naja naja atra, Bungarus multicinctus Blyth, Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus , and so. And the death rate arrangement in the proper order was Agkistrodon acutus, Bungarus multicinctus Blyth, Agkistrodon halys.
Journal of Snake