
知识创新与组织结构形式 被引量:1

Interaction between Knowledge Innovation and Forms of Organizational Structure
摘要 本文提出一个分类框架,用以解释知识创新和组织结构形式如何交互作用,从而形成组织的学习和知识创新的能力。作者认为,组织的知识蕴藏于组织之中,植根于各个组织的协作机制,而后者则深受组织结构形式的影响。指出,组织学习和知识创新模式与组织结构形式密切相关。 A framework is put forward in this paper, which can be used to explain the interaction of knowledge innovation with forms of organizational structure. The interaction drives an organization to develop its ability to learn and create. Organizational knowledge is contained in the cooperative mechanism of an organization which is deeply influenced by organizational structure. However, organizational learning and knowledge innovation are closely connected with forms of organizational structure.
作者 罗珉
出处 《当代经济管理》 2007年第5期1-6,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
关键词 知识创新 创新密集型组织 组织结构形式 knowledge innovation innovation-intensive organization forms of organizational structure
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