
脑钠肽在心血管疾病中的应用 被引量:6

Application of BNP in Cardiovascular Disease
摘要 心血管疾病严重威胁人类的健康,是导致中老年人死亡的常见原因之一。如何明确诊断心血管疾病是心脏科医师的关注焦点。脑钠肽作为一种生化指标,凭借其对于心血管疾病尤其是心力衰竭的高度敏感性、特异性及阴性预测价值,日益成为诊断心血管疾病有价值的指标之一,对心力衰竭的早期诊断具有重大意义。 Cardiovascular diseases seriously threaten the health of people, which is one of the common causes resulting in death in middle aged and aged people. How to diagnose this kind of diseases is the focus attracting more attention from physicians of cardiology. As a biochemical indicator, BNP is becoming one of valuable indexes in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases because of is high sensitivity, specificity and in negative predict value in cardiovascular diseases, especially in heart failure, which has great significance in the early diagnosis of heart failure.
作者 杨艳华 王林
出处 《医学综述》 2007年第21期1653-1655,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 脑钠肽 心力衰竭 心血管疾病 BNP Heart failure Cardiovascular disease
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