目的:线粒体DNA突变在衰老过程中起核心作用。总结有氧运动在延缓机体衰老过程中对线粒体DNA突变的影响,探讨有氧运动延缓衰老的机制。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline数据库1996-01/2006-01期间关于线粒体DNA突变与有氧运动延缓衰老的文章,检索词为"aerobics exercise,aging,mtDNA mutation",限定文章语言种类为English。同时计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库1994-01/2006-12期间的有氧运动、衰老和线粒体DNA突变相关的文章,检索词"衰老,线粒体DNA突变,有氧运动",并限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:①有氧运动延缓衰老关系的理论研究。②线粒体DNA突变与衰老关系的基础与临床研究。③有氧运动对线粒体DNA突变的影响研究。资料提炼:共收集到36篇线粒体DNA突变与有氧运动延缓衰老相关的文献,均为全文,32篇符合纳入标准,排除4篇重复性研究。资料综合:①有氧运动可以通过减少线粒体DNA突变,从而达到延缓机体的衰老。有氧运动可能通过影响自由基及抗氧化系统、细胞凋亡、线粒体的结构和功能,对衰老进程产生重要影响。②线粒体DNA突变随增龄而积累,达到一定阈值后,可导致细胞能量供应的严重障碍,从而造成组织器官生理功能的减退。③长期有氧运动可通过刺激心肌、骨骼肌线粒体的生成及蛋白质的合成而延缓线粒体形态结构的改变,有利于维持线粒体功能以满足机体对其能源的需求。结论:中、低强度有氧运动可以提高机体有氧工作能力,增进线粒体氧化磷酸化的功能,对延缓衰老具有一定的积极作用。有氧运动可以减少心肌、骨骼肌等线粒体DNA突变,提示有氧运动在延缓衰老机制中,减少线粒体DNA突变是可能机制之一。
OBJECTIVE: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is crucial for the aging, this paper is designed to review the influence of aerobic exercise on mtDNA to delay aging and investigate the possible mechanism of aerobic exercise delaying aging. DATA SOURCES: A computer-based search of Medline database was undertaken to identify the articles on mtDNA mutation and aerobic exercise to delay aging published between January 1996 and January 2006, with the key words of "aerobics exercise, aging, mtDNA mutation" and the language was limited to English. Meanwhile, the related articles on aerobic exercise, aging and mtDNA mutation published between January 1994 and December 2006 ware searched in China Joumal Full-test Database and Wanfang database with the key words "aerobic exercise, aging, mtDNA mutation" in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: The data ware selected firstly. Inclusion cdteria:(1)the theoretical study of the function of aerobic exercise to delay aging.(2)the basic and clinical study of the relation between mtDNA mutation and aging.(3)the effect of aerobic exercise to mtDNA mutation. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 36 related articles on mtDNA mutation and aerobic exercise to delay aging were collected in full-texts. Among them, 32 articles were in accordance with inclusion criteria, and 4 repetitive researches were excluded. DATA SYNTHESIS: (1)With the reduced mtDNA mutation, aerobic exercise could slow down the process of aging through influencing the apoptosis, anti-oxidation system, free radical, and structure and function of mitochondrion.(2)The mtDNA mutation accumulates with the age increasing, when it reaches a certain threshold, it could lead to a serious obstacle of energy supply so as to reduce the physiological function of tissue and organ. (3)Through stimulating the formation of the myocardial and skeletal muscle mitcchondrion and the protein synthesis, the long-term aerobic exercise could delay the change of mitochondrial structure and benefit to maintain the mitochondrial function in order to satisfy its energy demand. CONCLUSION: The medium and low intensity of aerobic exercises can enhance the oxygen working ability of organism and increase the function of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, so they have the certain positive effects to delay aging. Aerobic exercise can reduce mtDNA mutation of myocardial and skeletal muscle, indicating that in the mechanism of aerobic exercise delaying aging, reducing the mtDNA mutation is one of the possible mechanisms.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research