Data of 18 patients with rectovaginal fistula following total mesorectal excision (TME) in rectal cancer in our hospital were retrospectively analysed, It was found that rectovaginal fistula often occurred in patients with middle and low rectal cancer after total mesorectal excision, The eases of rectovaginal fistula were related to tumor site, tumor stage, distenee of tumor to anal, the skill of operation, the degree of operation diffieulty and method of drain. But there were no associations between recto vaginal fistula and the diverting ostomy established at the initial operation or laparoscopic operation. In order to prevent rectovaginal fistula, sharp dissection between rectrum and vagina, the vacunm- assisted closure in pelvis and the coloanal or colorectal anasto- mosis technique should be stressed, In the treatment of rectovaginal fistula, conservative treatments should be first performed, they included enteral nutrition, vaginal washing, and local or systemic anti - inflammatory treatment in the early stage. Most of patients with rectovaginal fistula could be cured, only unrecovering patients should undergo diverting ostomy. If rectovaginal fistula was hard to be healed for a long time after conservative treatments, the local recurrence of rectal cancer should be considered.
Journal of Fuzhou General Hospital
Rectal cancer
Total Mesorectal Exeisio
n Rectovaginal Fistula Enteral Nnutrition