信息领域的私有标准引发专利收费等一系列知识产权问题。中国企业对此应有所作为。在逐步建立自己的专利池、积极参加各种国际标准化组织、支持专利“Ex Ante RAND”原则的同时,大力推广开源软件,推进Linux、UOF、AVS等至关重要的开放标准。
Proprietary standards in information technology fields cause some intellectual property problems, such as expensive patent fee. Chinese enterprises should build up their own patent pool, participant in international standards organization, and support "Ex Ante RAND", principle proposed by VITA. Meantime, they should do their best to support open source software, implement open standards, including Linux; UOF; AVS and so on.
Information Technology & Standardization