
相移长周期光栅长度切趾光谱特性 被引量:1

Length Apodization Spectral Characteristics of the Phase-shifted Long-period Fiber Gratings
摘要 应用耦合模理论和传输矩阵法分析了长周期相移光栅的光谱特性,比较了折射率切趾和长度切趾所产生的不同光谱结构,并分析了长度切趾中不同的切趾函数及光栅长度对光谱结构的影响.讨论了长度切趾的旁瓣增强效应,发现了一些新的有益结果. By using the eoupled-rnode theory and transmit matrix, the spectral characteristics of phaseshifted long-period fiber gratings was analyzed. The difference between the index apodization and length apodization on the phase-shifted long-period fiber gratings were also discussed. The result shows that spectral caused by different apodized function is totally different in length apodization.
机构地区 上海大学物理系
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1115-1119,共5页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 上海市教委基础研究重大项目(04JC14036) 上海市重点学科项目(T0104)资助
关键词 长周期光栅 相移 切趾 传输矩阵 Fiber grating Transmit matrix Spectral characteristics Length apodization
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