以含重金属的干污泥为添加剂,自行研制出生物滤料,并以此滤料为对象进行浸出试验研究.结果表明,在浸出时间为24 h和30 d时,Cd、Cr、Cu和Pb在pH=1时浸出量最大,当pH≥3时,Cd、Cr、Cu和Pb的浸出量迅速下降,说明强酸性条件是影响重金属迁移特性的重要因素.XRD分析表明,原料中的重金属经过一系列的物相转化和反应过程,固定在Si—O等玻璃结构网格中,在晶体结构中以Pb2O(CrO4)、CdSiO3、CuO等稳定的形态存在;在曝气生物滤池(BAF)中应用自制滤料进行脱氮(同步硝化反硝化)效能研究,当原水C/N为11.5和25.5左右时,对NH4+-N和TN的去除率可分别达到85.5%、90.3%、46.6%和49.6%,高于江西陶粒、广州陶粒和山西活性炭的去除率;试验结果对重金属固化、迁移特性机理研究和自制滤料广泛应用有进一步促进作用.
A series of leaching tests were conducted to study the solidification of heavy metals in biological filter media made with dried sludge as an additive. The maximum leaching contents of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb are obtained when pH is 1; leaching contents of heavy metals have an obvious decrease as pH is greater than or equal to 3 ; and it can be concluded from the results that pH has a significant influence on the leaching characteristic of heavy metals at leaching time of either 24 h or 30 d. X-ray diffraction analysis performed on filter media reveal the main compounds of the 4 heavy metals are Pb2O( CrO4 ), CdSiO3 and CuO, and the heavy metals are solidified in the mesh structure of Si--O. Heavy metals (such as Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb) can be solidified in filter media through a series of crystalline phase changes and chemical reaction after high temperature sintering. The new filter media (obtained in test) were used in biological aerated filter (BAF) to treat wastewater (C/N about 11.5 and 25.5) in a simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) system. Based on the mechanism of SND, the average removal efficienciesof NH4^+-N and TN filled with the new filter media (obtained in test) are about 85.5%, 90.3%, 46.6% and 49.6%, respectively, and it is higher than those of other 3 medias (Jiangxi ceramsite, Guangzhou ceramsite and Shanxi activated carbon). The results provide a better understanding of factors that may affect the immobilization and leaching characteristics of heavy metals in ceramsite, which promotes the extensive use of filter media in BAF.
Environmental Science
biological filter media
heavy metal
leaching characteristics
biological aerated filter