Objective To evaluate the clinical value of transperltoneal, retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach in the treatment of renal cysts. Methods The clinical data of 145 cases of renal cysts treated by transperitoneal (67 cases) and retroperitoneal laparoscopic (78 cases) approach were analysed. The difference of the two groups on operation tlme,average bleeding volume during operation,time of beginning to take food and to move after operation were compared.Results The transperitoneal, retroperitoneal laparoscopic operations were all successful.The operation time were 30.5±9.7min and 41.5±5.8min (P〉0.05). The average bleeding volume were 20+5.3ml and 25±4.2ml (P〉0.05). The time of beginning to take food were19±6.7h and 12±3.7h (P〈0.05), and the time of beginning to move were 18± 1.2h and 16 ±2.9h (P〉0.05).No cases undenvent open operation and blood transfusion. Of the retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach group, there were three complications,including kidney peripheral infection and high fever in one case,hypodermic emphysema in one case, and peritoneum perforation in one case; and one case which was confirmed malignant tumor by pathology was eradicated by open operation on the first day after the first operation.All of the cases were followed up for 3-20 months, and there was no relapse.Conclusion Transperi-toneal or retroperitoneal laparocoplc surgery in the treatment of renal cysts are of minimal injuries, faster recovery and simply manipulation.The operation access is determined by CT before operation, operator's skill and patient's figure.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
Renal cyst Laparoscopy Retroperltoneal Operation access