
发动机油底壳辐射噪声控制研究 被引量:3

Study on Controlling Noise Radiated from Engine Oilpan Surface
摘要 利用有限元法分析某发动机油底壳的振动特性,对其表面辐射噪声进行研究。首先对油底壳进行模态分析,研究其固有频率和振型,然后对油底壳进行瞬态振动响应分析,由此确定油底壳在发动机工作过程中振动较强的部位,并据此提出抑制油底壳振动,以降低其表面辐射噪声的方案。 Vibration characteristics of an engine oilpan are analyzed using FEM and radiated noise from the oilpan surface is researched. First, modal analysis of the oilpan is done and characteristics of natural modal are researched. Then, transient vibration response of the oilpan is analyzed and the positions on which the vibration is the most in tensive are found out. According to these, a scheme to suppress the vibration of the oilpan is put forward and the radiated noise is reduced.
出处 《客车技术与研究》 2007年第5期4-6,共3页 Bus & Coach Technology and Research
关键词 发动机油底壳 模态分析 瞬态振动 噪声控制 engine oilpan modal analysis transient vibration noise control
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