目的改良人蜕膜细胞(decidual cell)的培养方法,并对其进行特征鉴定,探讨蜕膜细胞的部分生物学特性。方法取人工流产6~8周妊娠蜕膜组织,机械法分离,复合酶消化,传代自然增殖法纯化细胞。倒置显微镜观察其大体形态及体外转化,组织学鉴定、HE染色观察其胞核情况,人催乳素(HPL)免疫组化法鉴定。流式细胞仪测定其细胞周期。结果分离培养的蜕膜细胞呈长梭形和不规则星形,95%细胞胞浆阳性表达。细胞周期显示约有59.8%的细胞处于G0/G1期。结论成功分离培养了人蜕膜细胞,方法经济、简单、获得细胞形态一致、成活率高、生长稳定,为进一步研究蜕膜细胞妊娠病理、生理改变提供了可靠的实验对象。
Objective To improve the method for isolation and culture of human decidual cell, and to investigate its partial biological properties. Methods Human decidual tissues were taken from pregnant women of 6--8 weeks with induced abortions, then digested by complex enzyme and purified through several natural replication passages. The cellular morphology was observed by inverted phase contrast microscope and the nucleus and cytoplasm were observed by staining of haematoxylin and eosin (HE). Decidual cell was identified by the method of immunocytochemistry of prolactin (PRL). Cell cycle was observed by flow cytometry. Results The cultured cells appeared as fusiform or irregular astroform. Protein of PRL was expressed in 95 % cultured cells. Cell cycle revealed that 59.8 % cells were at the stage of Go/G1. Conclusions The in vitro culture system of decidual cell is successfully established with high survival rate and low cost, which provides a useful experimental object for the studies of the function of decidual cell in pregnancy.
Practical Preventive Medicine