
MRI不同序列在膝关节骨损伤中的应用 被引量:13

Diagnostic Value of Spin Echo and Gradient Echo-Shot Time Inversion Recovery MRI Sequence in Bone Contusion of Knee Joint
摘要 目的:评价自旋回波(SE)序列及梯度-短时反转回复(GE-STIR)序列对急性骨损伤的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析50例膝关节外伤后行MRI检查的病例。所有病例均行SE序列矢状面T1WI及T2WI加权、GE-STIR序列矢状面扫描,分析不同序列显示骨挫伤的大小、范围、信号均匀性、边界以及伴随的半月板、软骨、韧带损伤及关节积液的表现,比较不同序列之间的差异。结果:50例病例中有45例显示有骨挫伤水肿,共有54处,其中6例伴有软骨损伤。伴有关节积液31例,半月板损伤23例,韧带损伤6例,其中前交叉韧带5列,外侧副韧带1例。在骨挫伤病例中,SE序列、T1WI显示43处,T2WI显示47处,GE-STIR序列显示54处。STIR序列在显示骨挫伤的大小、边界中敏感性均高于SE序列,两者之间差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。在关节积液、半月板损伤、韧带损伤中,SE序列与GE-STIR序列比较,两者差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。结论:GE-STIR序列在膝关节骨挫伤显示中有极大价值,明显优于SE序列。 Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of spin echo (SE) and GE-short time inversion recovery (GESTIR) MR sequence in bone injury of knee joint. Methods: The MRI data of 50 cases with knee injury was analyzed retrospectively. All cases were performed with SE sequence (Sagittal T1 W, T2 W) and Sagittal GE-STIR sequence. The size, signal intensity, margin of bone contusion, MRI features of meniscus, ligaments and fluid were analyzed according to the different MRI Sequence,and also the difference between SE and GE-STIR sequence were compared. Results: Among 50 cases, there were 54 fuci of bone contusion were demonstrated in 45 cases and there were 6 fuci of cartilage injury,31 cases with joint effusion, 23 cases with injury of meniscus, 5 cases with injury of anterior cruciate ligament, 1 case with tibia collateral ligament. 43 and 47 fuci were demonstrated on SE TIW, T2 W respectively, 54 fuci were depicted on GE-STIR. The differences of the size, signal intensity homogeneity, border of bone contusions were statistically higher on GE-STIR than that on SE (P〈0.05). There were no statistically significant for joint effusion,meniscus injury and ligament injury between SE and GE-STIR imaging (P〉0.05). Conclusion: GE-STIR Sequence has great diagnostic value in contusion of knee joint,which is superior to SE sequence.
出处 《放射学实践》 2007年第10期1079-1082,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 关节疾病 骨疾病 磁共振成像 Joint diseases Bone diseases Magnetic resonance imaging
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