
正常人黑素细胞的体外培养与观察 被引量:2

Culture and Identification of Human Melanocytes in Vitro
摘要 目的进一步探索人纯黑素细胞培养方法,观察黑素细胞体外培养后的形态与生物学功能性。方法在M2培养基条件下进行人纯黑素细胞培养,应用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,采用TRP-75单克隆抗体检测生物学功能性。结果6例参与者进行了黑素细胞培养与研究,培养成功率为100%,培养后的黑素细胞形态正常,并显示良好的生物学功能。结论在M2培养基条件下进行人纯黑素细胞培养增殖,其培养效果好,培养后的黑素细胞具有良好的生物学功能。 Objective To explore the culture method of human melanocytes in vitro and observe their morphology and biological function. Methods The excised skin about 4 minx 8 mm from six cases (1 male and 5 female, aged 20 to 45) who underwent plastic surgery for pouches were digested and the autologous melanocytes were collected and cultured in M2 medium. Their morphology was observed by inverted microscope and their biological function was examined by TRP-75 immunohistochemical staining. Results The success rate of cultured melanocytes was 100%. Two or three days later the melanocytes formed pseudopods and ramification, and 7 days later appeared spindle-shaped and with amification. On day 1 to 2, the melanocytes grew slowly and on day 3 grew fast and into log phase. The melanocytes could be passaged onto 4th or 5th generation. The melanocytes were proven to be not contaminated by fibrocytes and kerotinocytes and could synthesize melanin. Conclusion Melanocytes culture in M2 medium could obtain normal melanocytes and favorable biological function.
出处 《华南国防医学杂志》 CAS 2007年第5期4-5,共2页 Military Medical Journal of South China
基金 空军医药卫生"十一五"计划科研课题(KW06Z10)
关键词 黑素细胞 细胞培养 体外培养 Melanocytes Cell culture Culture in vitro
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