The damage caused by Apocheimia cinerarius Erschoff and Orthosia incerta Hufnage in Bt transformed Pop- ulus nigra plantation located in Manasi Plain Forest Station, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was investigated during 1997 -2001. The leaf loss was less than 10% and the larvae density in the soil decreased from 18 heads ·m^-2 in 1997 to 8 heads · m ^-2 in 2001, hut the larvae density increased in the non-transgenic plantation. In 2005, the leaf loss caused by Apocheimia cinerarius Erschoff in Bt transformed plantation in Huairou of Beijing was less than 20%, hut it was 90% in non-transgenic poplar plantation. This indicated that the insect-resistance of transgen- ic poplar was stable, and can reduce the larvae density effectively in the field for many years. The variety, number and parasitic ratio of the natural enemies of insects in the transgenic poplar plantation (Manasi) were more than hose in the non-transgenic poplar plantations. The result of the inoculation of the insect pupae collected from trans- genie poplar plantation, nearby poplar plantation and the control plantation with the wasp ( Chouioia cunea Yang. ) showed that there was no significant difference of' the wasp eclosion rate and number between them. It can be con- cluded that up to know there is no significant negative effect of transgenic poplar on the natural enemies of insects.
Forest Research