
帽型试样的绝热剪切数值模拟与温度场研究 被引量:3

Numerical Simulation of Adiabatic Shear and Temperature Field in Hat-shaped Specimens
摘要 通过选择恰当的模型和科学的空间离散化,对SHPB加载过程进行了2D数值模拟,数值重现了帽型试样高应变条件下的绝热剪切变形历程。基于应力塌陷绝热剪切形成判据分析了材料绝热剪切变形规律;利用模拟结果的应力-时间、应变-时间曲线进行了温度场的计算,确定了剪切带的类型,计算结果与实验结果吻合。  Appropriate model and space discretization were chosen to simulate the loading process of specimens conducted on the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB) in two-dimension,and the adiabatic shear deformation course of the hat-shaped specimen under high strain rate was obtained.Based on the criterion of the formation of adiabatic shear to Stress Collage,the rule of adiabatic shear deformation was analyzed,the simulated stress-time curves and strain-time curves were employed to calculate the temperature field,the type of the shear bands was determined,and the results of numerical simulation are consistent with the experimental results.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期27-30,共4页 Journal of Materials Engineering
关键词 绝热剪切变形 SHPB 帽型试样 数值模拟 adiabatic shear deformation SHPB hat-shaped specimen numerical simulation
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