

Non-targeted and delayed effects of exposure to ionizing radiation
摘要 电离辐射的非靶效应和延迟效应是细胞对电离辐射反应的两种相互关联的表现。目前,对这两种效应的研究主要集中在辐射诱发的基因组不稳定性、旁效应、适应性反应三个方面。随着研究的深入,非靶效应和延迟效应在低剂量辐射效应领域越来越受到重视。为此对这两种效应的相互关系及其潜在的生物学意义作一简述。 Non-targeted and delayed effects are relative phenomena in cellular responses to ionizing radiation.These effects (bystander effects, genomic instability and adaptive responses) have been studied most extensively for radiation exposures. It is clear that adaptive responses, bystander effects and genomic instability will play an important role in the low dose-response to radiation. This review will provide a synthesis of the known, and proposed interrelationships amongst low-dose cellular responses to radiation. It also will examine the potential biological significance of non-targeted and delayed effects of exposure to ionizing radiation.
作者 左雅慧 童建
出处 《国际放射医学核医学杂志》 2007年第3期176-179,共4页 International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
关键词 辐射 电离 辐射效应 辐射剂量 Radiation, ionizing Radiation effects Radiation dosage
分类号 Q [生物学]
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