
对近年来国外雅典民主制研究的思考 被引量:3

Thinking on the Study of Democratic System of Athens Abroad in Recent Two Decades
摘要 雅典民主制一直是西方学界的热点问题,自20世纪80年代以来,受国际政治格局变化的影响,西方学者在对雅典民主制研究的选题和价值评估上,体现了更多的热情和政治色彩,促进了对这一问题的深入探讨,也出现了一些新方法和新成果。本文梳理了西方学者这一时期的研究成果,并对这些成果进行了学科史的考察。 Athenian Democracy has been still a hot point for western scholars.From the ninety of 20th century up to now,the western scholars expressed more and more passions on the researching topics and the value of politics in the study of Athenian Democracy,since the political great changes in the World.But when we explore these studies we could find that the study mainly reflected the subjective ideology themselves contemporary and have some distance with the real ancient history.However some new methods and new fruits emerged which push forward the study in this field.This thesis not only attempts to review the development of research in this field but also want to explore the development in historical discipline.
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期137-146,共10页 Historiography Bimonthly
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